Winter Solstice

​Throughout history, the Winter Solstice has been a time of celebration and reflection.

It’s a time to remember the past, celebrate the present, and look forward to the future. It’s a time to give thanks for the Sun, the Earth, and the changing of the seasons. It’s a time to look forward to the return of the light and the promise of a New Year. Whether you celebrate the Winter Solstice as a holiday or not, it’s a good time to take a moment to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. The winter solstice is a reminder that the darkest days can bring the brightest hopes, and that light will eventually return. ​The Sun stays in this Southern most position for 3 days before slowly moving back North to bring more warmth and light back to the Northern Hemisphere. 

In many ancient cultures, Winter Solstice was seen as an important moment of rebirth and renewal. The Chinese celebrated the solstice as Dongzhi, a festival for family reunion. People would return home to celebrate reunion, make offerings to their ancestors, and prepare for the new year. Similarly, the Celtic festival of Yule celebrates the rebirth of the sun and the coming of a new year, with bonfires and feasting.

In more modern-day celebrations, Winter Solstice is still seen as a time of renewal and celebration. Many people gather to light bonfires and candles, symbolizing the return of the sun and the end of the long winter nights. This is often accompanied by singing, dancing, and feasting. In some cultures, people will make offerings to nature spirits or the gods, in hopes of achieving support from Spirit & good luck in the New Year.

You can honor the Winter Solstice in many different ways. I like to meditate when the sun rises to remind myself that the light will always return, in the evening I light candles & journal about what I am brining into the New Year. This year our Moon Circle lands on the Solstice and we will be doing a special ritual to celebrate together in community.

This Winter Solstice 2022 is aligned to the center point of the Galactic Center and a New Moon in Capricorn. This is significant because it marks an ending and beginning of a new 26,000 year cycle Galactic New Year during our lifetime. We are living at a pivotal point in the history of the planet. Being in tune with the rhythms of nature help us to feel more in tune with ourselves. Ask yourself to celebrate yourself for all you achieved this year and acknowledge what is ending in your life. Now ask yourself what are you ready to birth anew?
This is a powerful time for new beginnings!

This Winter Solstice 2022, Venus in Capricorn will be conjunct Mercury on the New Moon and we enter the first gate at the Root Chakra of the Venus Evening Star Cycle​. Also significant, Venus has returned to the same Capricorn points she transited back in January when she began this new cycle and conjunct Pluto 3x through her retrograde time.
At this 2023 New Year’s Day the Pluto conjunction to Venus will be exact! I share details about the Venus Meta Goddess Cycles in the Moonful Spirit Community Moon Circles every other Wednesday. Come join us for ritual, meditation and sky magic!


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